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9 Quick Ways to Fight a Stressed Out Mind

You know that feeling, when you have so much on your mind you can literally sense the pressure within your skull? Or when there's that one anxiety-inducing thing that you can't seem to get off your mind? Yeah, I'm sure most of us have been there. Especially during these unprecedented times, a lot of us might be feeling a bit overwhelmed and, well, stressed out.

Sometimes, you just have to take a step back and try your best to get your mind off of whatever's making you anxious. Here are 9 tips to keep in mind the next time you need a mental breather:

1. Grab a pair of headphones and let them do their magic

A common theme with pretty much all of these 9 ideas is to try and get out of your own head, and listening to some good music can really help. If you find yourself at a loss of what to listen to, I highly recommend Spotify; there's literally a playlist for everything - just dig through until you find the perfect one for your mood. And if you happen to be home alone, ditch the headphones and just play your favourite songs as loud as technologically possible.

2. Curl up with a good book

I don't care what anyone says - good books can heal the soul just as much as an awesome song. Whether you opt for fiction or not, reading transports you from your own mind into someone else's. I'm currently re-reading the first Harry Potter book, and I'm finding it so incredibly calming to dive back into an old favourite. No matter what's going on in the real world, I can escape for a few (okay, not just a few, but you get what I mean) minutes a day into a place where my problems are nonexistent.

3. Take a well-deserved nap

Sometimes, when life gets a bit too hard to handle, you just need to completely unplug. The best way to do this is to put on your comfiest set of pajamas and crawl into bed, no matter how brightly the sun is shining outside. Yes, you're allowed to take a mid-day nap if that's what your mind needs to refresh.

4. Tick something - anything! - off your to-do list

I don't know about you, but I have a tendency of going through a vicious cycle of letting my to-do list stress me out, procrastinating on said to-do list, and then stressing out even more because of said procrastination. Sometimes, doing just one productive thing is enough to make you feel like you're ready to conquer that daunting list, even if that one thing is just making your bed when you get up in the morning.

5. Enjoy a warm shower or bath

When the going gets tough, sometimes you just need to - literally and metaphorically - wash your troubles away. No, but seriously, there's something about a warm shower that seems to instantly relax both your body and mind. And, you know, you should be doing it everyday anyway, so why not make the most of it?

6. Snuggle up with your furry friend

I have a cat, so this one only happens whenever his highness feels up to it... But if you're lucky enough to have an animal friend who doesn't mind a good snuggle, it really is a great way to ease the mind. You feel less alone without even needing to make any human contact, which is great if you're an introvert!

7. Have a chat

If you thrive on human interaction, however, a great way to ease the load off your mind might be to talk it out. Whether that's with a family member, a close friend or a professional, voicing your thoughts might help you gain a brand new perspective. As long as you find someone you can trust, of course.

8. Play a game

Whether it's a board game or an app on your phone, I find that this can really help ease my mind when anxiety levels are high. My current obsession is an app called Two Dots, but I go through phases. If you're looking for something new, the app store on your phone is definitely the way to go.

9. Break a sweat

Now, truth be told, I haven't done an actual workout in months - but, I do know that if I was ever feeling down, the moment I put on a pair of sweats in order to, um, break a sweat, I could feel my emotions start to brighten up. Of course, exercising is also great for your physical health... and on that note, I'll let you have a guess at what Elisa's post next week is going to be about ;)

If you're ever feeling anxious or stressed, I highly recommend trying one of the above out. On a more serious note, though, sometimes our problems might lie deeper than what a good distraction might be able to solve. In cases where you might need to talk to a professional, or if you're just at a complete loss, keep this number in mind: 179 (Malta's helpline). The world can be tough on a regular basis, but even more so during this crazy time.

Stay safe, and stay healthy.

Cay <3



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