"Good writing is clear thinking made visible" - Bill Wheeler
Exam/Assignment season is just around the corner, and for many students, this brings about not only the pressure of studying but also that of constructing the perfect essay. Well worry no longer, because I'm about to provide you with some tips to keep in mind when faced with your essay/assignment title. ✍
1. Breathe in, breathe out
The very first thing you should do is rid yourself of any nerves/anxieties/full-on panic attacks you might be experiencing. This is your time to shine, as they say, and your time to put on paper a reflection of all your hard work and dedication to the subject. And if you haven't put in that much work... well this is still not the time to panic. Don't quote me here, but good essay structure may, in some cases, actually give the impression that you're a good and diligent student! So, keeping calm and believing in yourself is the way to go if you want to ace your essay.
2. Plan your essay
No Phoebe, you need to have a plaN. Otherwise, your essay will simply be all over the place. Take a few minutes to write down a brief plan which you will turn to and build on as you write. This will decrease the chances of you forgetting to include statements that are important to your analysis. It will also give you a clear picture as to where you're heading with your argument, and will prevent you from going off-track. In general, examiners can tell if an essay is planned or not, so even if your plan is lacklustre, it is always a good idea to do it.
3. Write a good introduction
The introduction of your essay gives your argument a voice so that it can introduce itself, and just like when actual people introduce themselves to someone new, first impressions matter. Therefore, your introduction should be interesting, encouraging your examiner to keep on engaging with your work. This is also the place where you state your argument - which you are going to develop in the paragraphs to come -clearly and effectively.
4. Structure your paragraphs well
Each and every paragraph should begin with a thesis statement, which is a sentence in which you indicate what the main point of your paragraph is. Then, you are to develop that argument, perhaps strengthening it with some quote some smart person said. Lastly, you are to include a concluding statement. This brings everything you said together, making your argument complete.
5. Close your essay with a good conclusion
Now I know your brain is fatigued from all that planning and writing, but, you've started your essay with a bang, and now it's only right that you finish with one as well. In fact, remember to never underestimate the power of a good conclusion. This is your chance to prove to your examiner that you've effectively answered what the question asks of you. In your conclusion, you should not come up with new ideas that were not previously mentioned in your paragraphs. Instead, this is the time to wrap up everything you've said nicely and efficiently.
6. Revise
Nope, finishing your conclusion does not mean you should do this.⬆ There is one last, very important, step: revision. When we are in the process of writing, we sometimes make silly mistakes without even realising. Going through your essay, at least once, before you hand it in gives you the opportunity to correct such mistakes and fine-tune your work in general.
Congrats, you have now completed your essay/assignment! Now all you have to do is hand it in, hope for the best, relax and... get ready to face your next one. But don't worry, you now have the tools to master all your essays, no matter the length and no matter the subject.
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