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Why Mothers are Arguably the Best Kind of Friends

"A mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend" – Unknown

As the day celebrating mothers approaches, it is only right that we put on a more appreciative lens and ponder over all the ways our mothers are potentially our best friends. And if by any chance you’ve forgotten, or even had no idea, that Mother’s Day is this Sunday, then you’re welcome.

Please note that when I use the term ‘mother’, I refer to:

  • all kinds of motherly figures of both the past and present,

  • all those fathers who have had to act as both father and mother to their children,

  • any individuals who have taken the place of the mother in her absence.

Here goesss…

1. They are probably our truest friend

Generally, mothers give without expecting anything in return. They also make sacrifices to ensure their children are happy. Sometimes, this means giving up the last few Nutella biscuits or the last piece of cake so that we can enjoy them ourselves. We may take it that they just love seeing us chubby, but this is in fact a small gesture which proves their selflessness, care, and true friendship.

2. They’ve been there from Day 1

From changing our diapers to listening to our Uni problems, the figure of the mother has been there for us from the start. They’ve probably watched us fall countless times and were there to help us back up, both literally and metaphorically. They've also been there to support us, and are sometimes even our biggest fans.

3. They are the best confidants

Mums are great listeners. If we are in trouble, they listen attentively and try their best to give, what is to them, the best advice possible. Let’s face it, we often do not take heed of their pieces of advice, but let’s appreciate the fact that we can get things off our chest, and let’s appreciate also their effort and will to help. Moreover, let’s acknowledge that disregarding their advice is not always the best idea. I don’t know about you, but life has personally shown me time and time again that mama really does know best.

4. We have had great times with them

Whether it’s laughing uncontrollably because of an inside joke, or whether it's going on a shopping spree, we have all had our share of fun times with our mothers. For me, one of the bright sides of the current situation is in fact having more time to bake with my mum. It’s really all fun and games, until someone loses their patience.

5. They love us unconditionally

(I'm pretty sure the Katy Perry song popped into your head, so might as well.) It can be said that the mother is one of the few who love us unconditionally. They are there through thick and thin, and even if we do something that upsets them, they are likely to forgive and forget in no time. More often than not, their love has no terms and conditions, and for this we should be truly grateful.

Writings on the Wall would like to wish a Happy Mother’s Day to all motherly figures in advance. May we know how lucky we are to have or to have had such a person in our lives, and may we cherish them today and always, even if, for some reason or other, they may not be physically with us at the moment.

El x



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